Introducing AcuDart

Partnering with industry leading laboratories to create the most accurate tick-borne disease testing from the comfort of home.

You've tested with AcuDart.

Now what?

AcuDart tests are some of the most accurate tests on the market for tick-borne illnesses. With a sensitivity of 83%, they are far superior to either the common two-tier Lyme testing from large commercial laboratories, or other at-home options. 

However, AcuDart tests may not always give you all of the information that you need. For example, AcuDart tests will not report on IgM vs IgG antibodies. IgM antibodies develop first, and are a good indicator of active disease. IgG antibodies develop after a couple of months, and can indicate long term or chronic disease. Knowing this information can be helpful for determining next steps.

Additionally, AcuDart tests will not determine which species triggered an antibody response. Even though our Lyme disease test detects antibodies to nine different species, the test result will not disclose which of those species is responsible for the response. Knowing species-level information can help with targeted treatments.

Below are some guidelines on what you can do based on your AcuDart test results. For more information, please contact your healthcare provider.

If you test positive

Contact your physician. Your physician can help make a determination if you need additional testing or if you should be treated. AcuDart recommends that you work with a Lyme literate physician who thoroughly understands the complexity of tick-borne illnesses. ILADS is a good resource for finding a physician.

Consider additional testing from a specialty lab. For instance, ImmunoBlot testing from IGeneX Laboratory will provide you with additional information including which antibodies (IgM or IgG) were activated, which bands you tested positive for, and, in some cases, which species generated an antibody response.

If you are positive for one disease, such as Lyme, consider AcuDart testing for Babesia, Bartonella, and Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever. These diseases are commonly referred to as co-infections. It is very common for those infected with Lyme disease to also be infected with a co-infection. Co-infections must be treated differently than Lyme for optimal effectiveness.

Keep track of your symptoms. This will help in the future if you see a specialist. IGeneX Laboratory has a helpful Symptom Checker and Tracker.

Continue to educate yourself. and Bay Area Lyme Foundation are excellent resources to keep you informed on the latest in tick-borne disease testing and treatments.

If you test negative

If you tested negative and are still experiencing symptoms, we recommend AcuDart testing for any diseases you have not tested for. Many of the symptoms of tick-borne diseases overlap, so we advise testing for all of the major ones (Lyme disease, Bartonella, Babesia, and Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever) to get a clear picture of your health.

If you are not experiencing symptoms, further testing is not necessary. However, you should continue to monitor your health and possible exposure to ticks.

What is AcuDart?

What to do After Testing?

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252 Daniel Webster Hwy #1055
Nashua, NH 03060 USA

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